whats lil waynez numberr

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It will be hard to find the private phone number of celebrities like that
If you want to contact lil wayne than you are better off by emailing him through his offical website or have a look for his profile at Myspace /facebook or twitter

8 Responses to “whats lil waynez numberr”

  1. Wishwiselee says:

    Yo lil wayne as no number cus he is not nomal lol dede

  2. Maya says:

    His number is 601-572-7633 . Since he is in jail his mailbox is probably full, or his phone line is closed all together .

    • david says:

      are u tellin the truth girl word this is wayne # by the way how u know how!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!girl and i ant crazy……………………………………………………………………………………………..

  3. Rad Chad says:

    wutz his number?

  4. w33zy_fks_wifey says:

    hehe wats his email adress?????? n if yhu kno..then hit meh up at jocelynanicua@yahoo.com or jocelynsabin@gmail.com thank-u

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